Kristi L Shohet, MS, LCPC, CEDS

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they m
ust be felt with the heart."

  -- Helen Keller


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Treatment Program

Eating disorders develop from a combination of biological, psychological, cultural, social, or interpersonal factors.  Consequently my assessment will evaluate these causes and design a treatment program that best meets the individual's needs. Accordingly, the treatment regimen may include the expertise of a counselor, nutritionist, medical management from a family physician or psychiatrist and an exercise program. 

Individual Counseling: Clients are assessed through a series of structured and semi-structured inventories. This process promotes the reliability of both objective and subjective data in the development of a treatment plan. At this stage the client and therapist will decide on a treatment approach that best suits the individual for her/his condition. During these sessions discussions will evaluate "how and why" the ED developed and what function or purpose it presently serves. Education regarding diet and nutrition, illogical thinking patterns and mistaken facts will be clarified; along with the differentiation of a healthy self versus the eating disorder self. This approach is particularly important as it helps the client rid her/himself from the guilt and shame that dictates and controls her/his life. 

Group Therapy: Several topics are discussed in groups such as ED behaviors, helplessness, isolation, self-esteem, motivational factors, nutrition, interpersonal relationships, anger, fear, ED characteristics, intimacy, sexuality, food fears, body and soul, risk taking etc. Group is especially therapeutic in the sense that many individuals bring together common problems that are acted out in various ways. Consequently, group members understand each other, and are open to providing support, friendship, advice, and acceptance in an unconditional manner. 

Meal Outings: Mealtimes are particularly stressful for ED clients bringing up a barrage of negative emotions. Yet, part of recovery requires the ability to dine comfortably in social situations. Specialty groups will accomplish this task through weekly restaurant outings followed by a "food and feeling" group. 

 Family and Significant Others: Given the complexities of the family structure, several factors give rise to the influence and roles that each member contributes to each others behaviors. Therefore, eating disorders are often a "family-disorder." By that I mean everyone in the family is personally affected and may need help to repair damaged feelings and relationships. Communication patterns are explored along with greater insight and education on how to join forces and battle the disorder together as a team. 

 Psychological Assessments: Based on the findings of the examination, additional assessment procedures may be in order. Two of the more commonly utilized inventories with ED clients are the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26) and the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-3). These instruments evaluate preoccupation and fear of food and weight changes, restrictive eating, oral control, drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, restrictive activities, thought processing, bulimic tendencies, and clients perceptions of others remarks regarding their appearance and eating habits.  

 The EAT-26 is posted on this website for no charge.  A score at or above 20 is the cut-off indicator for the EAT-26. This does not mean that you have a life threatening disorder; on the contrary however it indicates that you should contact an eating disorder specialist, such as a therapist, family physician, or nutritionist for further evaluation.


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